Lingpad Help Center


About Lingpad

Find out about the privacy policies and security protocols Lingpad strictly adheres to, its marketing assets, and more.


Translation Management System

Insights on how to use our translation management platform.


Messaging Integrations

Messaging Integrations


Help Center Integrations

Find out how you can integrate Lingpad with other apps and set seamless translation processes.

    • Popular Articles

    • Cookie policy

      Most websites you visit will use cookies in order to improve your user experience by enabling that website to ‘remember’ you, either for the duration of your visit (using a ‘session cookie’) or for repeat visits (using a ‘persistent cookie’). Cookies ...
    • Supported file types for translation

      The list below contains the file types we support for translation. Please reach out to us at if your preferred file type is not on the list.   Mobile .plist .strings .xliff .resx .stringsdict .xml Applications .csv .rc .xliff .json ...
    • Company description

      Introduction Lingpad is an active part of the online community.  Please reach out to our Content and Design team at if you would like to feature the brand on a public platform. This article covers a brief about the company, ...
    • Getting Started with Freshdesk Support Ticket Localization

      Providing multilingual customer support is crucial for global brands with pre-established CX strategy. Lingpad is a leading AI-powered translation automation tool that offers fast and efficient messaging translation integration for your Freshdesk ...
    • Pre-Translation through TM or AI

      Pre-translation is a quick, handy, automated process that can help you save 20% on translation costs and reduce time-to-market by 80%. Deliver efficient, accurate, multilingual communication minus the extra effort. To enable this feature within your ...