Tracking project, file, and translation progress

Tracking project progress

Once you've uploaded a file to a project on Lingpad, you can easily track its status.

Translation file progress

1. Enter your project and select Languages from the left menu.

2. Click on the target language for which you would like to track the file status.
3. You will find a list of uploaded files for the target language selected. Refer to the progress bar on the right.

4. Hover over the bar and you can see the total number of words in that file and how many of them have been translated.

Translation workflow

When you open a file in the Editor, you'll be able to see the translation status of each string of text.
To open a file in the Editor,

1. Click the target language for which you wish to track the translation status.
3. Now, click the file name. It'll open in the Editor in another tab.

You'll see the following translation statuses:

1. Translate - when the translation for a string is yet to be added
2. Translated - when the translation for a string has been added by the translator
3. Approved - when the translation has been checked and approved by the manager or Admin

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