Managing translation memories from organization settings

Managing translation memories (from organization settings)

Translation memories (TMs) offer a great way of utilizing your previous translations and reducing the turn-around of your translations. Lingpad helps you create and upload TMs for your projects.

Only Admins can access translation memory in an organization's settings.

Creating and adding translation memory

1. Click the settings icon for your organization and navigate to Translation Memory from the left panel.
2. Click Add TM and proceed to either create a new TM or upload it.

3. Proceed to select the source and target language and click Save.

All TMs uploaded or saved in an organization's settings are global TMs by default.

Global translation memory

Global TMs can be accessed and utilized for translations by everyone in the organization. Other TMs can be accessed only by those who're a part of that project.

Once deleted, global translation memories cannot be restored.

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