The Editor is Lingpad's in-built CAT tool. This is where translators can add translations in the target language for the text in the source language. The Editor gives you a clear view of the translations for each file and has many useful features that help you translate efficiently.
Opening a file in the Editor
1. Go to your project and navigate to Languages from the left panel.
2. Click the target language for which you wish to add translations. And then, click the file name.
3. The file will open in the Editor in a new tab.
The first column shows the string number.
The second column contains a string of text from the file in the source language.
If you've enabled a translation memory for the project, you'll be able to see suggestions in the third column in the form of translation memory (TM) matches.
The fourth column shows the status of the translation for that string:
1. Translate - when the translation for a string is yet to be added
2. Translated - when the translation for a string has been added by the translator
3. Approved - when the translation has been checked and approved
You can change the status of a string by clicking it.
Filter by translation status
Filter helps you see strings based on their translation status. Just click the circle corresponding to your filter choice. Click All Strings to go back to the original view.
If you wish to change the status of all strings to either Translated or Approved, just click the option. Change the current segment status helps you change the status of the selected segment.
Clear text
Click the option to clear the text in the Target Text column for the selected string.
Copy text from source to the target column
If you wish to copy text from the source column to the target column in the selected string, click the first option. To copy the source text for all the strings, click the second option.
Jump to untranslated segments
Want to jump to untranslated strings directly? Click the option to go to either the previous or the next untranslated segment.
Undo and Redo
Undo helps you erase the last change done to the document, reverting it to an older state. Redo restores any actions that were previously undone using an Undo.
Search string with string number
Just type the string number, click Apply, and jump straight to that string.
Project progress
Hover on the progress bar at the top and you'll see the number of translated and approved words out of the total number of words in that file.