Export localized knowledge base articles from Lingpad to Zendesk

How to push translated knowledge base articles to Freshdesk Knowledge Base from Lingpad

Now that you have successfully achieved multilingual localization of your knowledge base, it is time to export them to Freshdesk and publish it. In this article, you will also learn how to reconnect Freshdesk with Lingpad in case the configuration is broken.  Scroll down to the section after the video tutorial for a detailed step-by-step guide.

Video Tutorial

  1. Head to your Freshdesk Knowledge Base project > click on the "Settings" tab and go to the "Push Content" tab to start exporting the translated knowledge base content to Freshdesk. 
  2. Click the "Push Now” button. 
    Export to Freshdesk

Note: If the target language's articles are missing the translations in certain segments, it will immediately populate the content from the relevant segment in the default language to the translations file. This way, there is no loss of information, and the translation status on Lingpad will still reflect the number of words left to be translated. 

Reconnect your Freshdesk subdomain with Lingpad

If the connection between Freshdesk and Lingpad is broken, head to Domain Details within Settings and add the relevant Freshdesk subdomain's API Key. Click Reconnect, and voila, your Lingpad and Freshdesk integration will be reconfigured successfully!

Note: The Reconnect button and API Key field under the Domain Details tab will be enabled only when the connection between Freshdesk and Lingpad is broken.