How does Glossary work for AI translations on Lingpad?

Glossary Support for AI-powered translations

Lingpad offers glossary support for AI-powered translations as well. 

Note: At this stage, Lingpad can only offer Glossary support for AI-powered translations of the following languages with more to be added in the future.

Please find the supported languages list below: 

Afrikaans Galician Latin Shona
Albanian Georgian Latvian Sindhi
Amharic German Lingala Sinhala (Sinhalese)
Arabic Greek Lithuanian Slovak
Armenian Guarani Macedonian Slovenian
Aymara Gujarati Malagasy Somali
Azerbaijani Haitian Creole Malay Spanish
Bambara Hausa Malayalam Sundanese
Basque Hawaiian Maltese Swahili
Belarusian Hebrew Maori Swedish
Bengali Hindi Marathi Tagalog (Filipino)
Bosnian Hmong Mongolian Tajik
Bulgarian Hungarian Myanmar (Burmese) Tamil
Catalan Icelandic Nepali Tatar
Cebuano Igbo Norwegian Telugu
Chinese Indonesian Nyanja (Chichewa) Thai
Chinese (Simplified) Irish Odia (Oriya) Tigrinya
Chinese (Traditional) Italian Oromo Tsonga
Croatian Italian Pashto Turkish
Czech Japanese Persian Turkmen
Danish Javanese Polish Twi (Akan)
Dutch Kannada Portuguese Ukrainian
English Kazakh Portuguese (Brazilian) Urdu
Esperanto Khmer Uzbek
Estonian Kinyarwanda Quechua Vietnamese
Ewe Konkani Romanian Welsh
Filipino (Tagalog) Korean Russian Xhosa
Finnish Kurdish Samoan Yiddish
French Kurdish (Sorani) Sanskrit Yoruba
Frisian Lao Serbian Zulu

To include glossary terms while implementing AI translation, follow these 3 quick steps: 

  1. Ensure AI Translation Access is enabled in 'Organization Settings'. Admins can access and modify the Organization settings by clicking on the user icon in the top right corner and click on the Settings icon next to the relevant organization. Go to AI Translation tab. 
    Enable AI Translation Access

  2. Ensure pre-translation with AI is enabled within the project. Go to the project, click on Pre-translation tab. Head to AI translation and make sure it is enabled. 
    Enable Pre-translation through AI

  3. With this feature, the system will implement available glossary terms to target text segments — pre-translated through AI — for all relevant projects.  
    Pre-translation through AI supported with Glossary

Voila! Your file has been successfully translated with AI-powered translations, taking your Glossary terms into consideration. 

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